Monday 17 March 2014

Week 6 - 10/03/14


Nap time in P2Y
As afternoon approaches I notice how my usually lively class of P2s begin to fidget, lose concentration and look rather exhausted. Unfortunately brain breaks and a game of ‘do this, do that’ isn't enough to help them waken up. Some of the children have been in school from six o'clock as their parents have left them off before they go to work and many stay until half past five. Nearly twelve hours in school is tiring for a young child and so after lunch time my classroom is transformed and 73 sleepy children have an hour and a half to rest. Very little learning occurs in the afternoon as much concentration is lost. Hays explains that ‘light to moderate fatigue affects performance, while heavy or extreme levels of fatigue affect both performance and learning.’  (Hays, 2006, p.150)
Dinner time at City Parents

‘The rainy season swaggers in off Lake Victoria with sleeves rolled up and both fists flying, in massive soul- stirring thunderstorms, frequently at night, or just at dawn, as if nature were warming up for wither a heavyweight championship or exuberant orchestration of Beethoven’s Seventh Symphony.’ (Shullenberger  and Shullenberger,1998, p.16)

After six weeks of intense sunshine and scorching temperatures the weather took a turn for the worst. Rainy season has arrived in Africa and despite our Northern Irish origins the rain made things much more difficult and a little unpleasant!
Feeling cold and wet

Invitation to the ambassadors party

The Irish community in Uganda had an exciting weekend of activities lined up to celebrate St Patricks day. Nicola and I had the pleasure of attending the Irish Ambassadors garden party on Thursday night. It was a night for those with Irish roots and friends to mingle and appreciate Irish traditional music and native Ugandan dance and song. On Friday night we went to Bubbles to savour Irish stew and take in some more traditional Irish music played by a band flown from Ireland for the occasion. It was a great opportunity to meet others who are visiting or who live here and share experiences with one another.  
Uganda dance troop

Dressed and ready to go
Garden party at the Irish Ambassadors house

‘Kindness is a language the deaf can hear and the blind can see.’ (Twain, 1998, p.2)

On Sunday 16th March I celebrated my 21st birthday and what a memorable birthday I had! On Saturday I was treated to a massage, manicure and pedicure followed by a delicious evening meal in Cayenne with Nicola, Natalie and Jonny.
Birthday treats!
'Soothing Spot'

Nicola and Natalie at Cayenne

Nicola and I at Cayenne

To top off a lovely day we had tea and a cupcakes birthday cake. Throughout my day I was shown so much kindness, even the staff in the Soothing Spot performed a five minute medley of birthday songs for me – I didn’t know when it would end! Over the past few weeks we have got to know a lady who works with single mothers helping them to make and sell crafts and on my birthday she produced a bracelet for me as a gift. It is true that Ugandans have such generous hearts.

Birthday cupcakes

Blowing out the candles

Evelyn at Red Chilli 

On Sunday I was overwhelmed with cards and gifts from home and friends here in Uganda. A friend from home had created a video of family and friends wishing me Happy Birthday. I also loved having the opportunity to Skype with all my family and to be able to congratulate my brother on his recent engagement! After a lovely lunch I was excited to spend my afternoon with the street boys at Tomorrow’s Heroes. This was the best gift for my birthday. Just as I was leaving at the end of the programme the boys surrounded me and sang Happy Birthday. These boys have so little but they touched my heart with their expression of love.

Birthday wishes from the street kids

Helen Keller ‘The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart.’ (Weissman, 2005,p.30)


Hays, R. (2006) The Science of Learning: A Systems Theory Perspective, Florida: Brown Walker Press.

Shullenberger, B and Shullenberger, W (1998) Africa Time: Two Scholars' Seasons in Uganda, Maryland: University Press of America, Inc.

Twain, M (1998) Bite-Size Twain: Wit and Wisdom from the Literary Legend, USA: St Martin’s Press.

Weissman, D. (2005)The Power of Infinite Love and Gratitude, United States: Hay House, Inc.

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