Tuesday 29 April 2014

Week 12 - 21/04/14


Final 'goodbyes'
Goodbye Teacher Jovita
The time to say goodbye to Africa and to the wonderful people who live in Uganda has come. On Wednesday morning we received a phone call asking us to come back to City Parents’ School to allow the children to say their goodbyes. There was a special assembly with all the children from the lower primary. They sang, danced and we had so much fun playing games – teachers against teachers and pupils against pupils. The senior members of staff thanked us and wished us all the best in our futures. It was then our turn to speak. As I looked out to the hundreds of children gathered I realised these kids had so much potential and I was glad to have been part of the shaping of 73 individuals in my care. Next it was time for the presentation of gifts and cards. My 73 children danced towards me bearing cards and gifts, arms opened ready to hug goodbye. Each child had something, from a box of tic tacs, handkerchiefs, a shell, to chocolates and a rose. It was one of the most humbling experiences to see the generosity of the boys and girls and to experience their thankful hearts.

Smiles and waves goodbye
Kind gifts from pupils and staff
The children who attend City Parents’ are from relatively wealthy families. The children at Street school have nothing – literally, except what they are wearing. But I have had the privilege of teaching both groups of children. Thanks to the generosity of friends from home I was able to buy some amazing phonics resources for Street school and after teaching using the resources and helping train the volunteers in street school, I believe they have the potential to help advance education for the children who attend. Education is key and as Nelson Mandela said ‘Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.’ (cited in Ennis – Smith, 2005, p.104)
Akim loves phonics!

Hard at work

Break time!

Phonics resources 


If you reject the food, ignore the customs, fear the religion and avoid the people, you might better stay home. James Michener (cited in Drew, 2006, p.69)

The past week we have indulged in cultural experiences in Kampala. The Ndere Centre in Kampala holds performances each week of dances from across Africa. Each young person involved is sponsored to attend school through the money raised by holding the performances. It was an entertaining night and the talent of each person involved was amazing. My favourite dance involved ladies dancing with five or six jars balanced on their head!
Drummer dance
Balancing jars whilst dancing

Having spent 3 months in Kampala it would seem that we would have seen it all, but there were still a few gems to be explored. Walter’s Bodaboda Tours took us to discover the Hindu temple, Mosque, Bhai’ temple and Idi Amin’s torture chambers. Speaking with locals and tour guides helped us to find out more about Uganda and helped me gain fresh perspective on life for people in Kampala in the past and present.
Hindu temple

Organised chaos - Kampala

Bhai' temple

Dressing up

Nicola outside the Mosque

Group photo

New mode of  transport - Bodaboda


The danger with spending so much time with someone or a group of people is that saying goodbye is hard. The street kids have had a special place in my heart over the past three months. They have taught me to appreciate what I have and who I have, they have taught me to love regardless of background and to smile and be full of joy at all times. You can’t come to Africa and return home unchanged and unchallenged and I am excited to see how this experience will impact the rest of my life.
Street School

Cheeky Akim
Edith one of the volunteers

The boys with Anne the social worker

Movie time

Joey and me

Sunday programme with the boys
Suzanne Evans beautifully describes her feelings after spending time in Africa, 'I hope you have an experience that alters the course of your life because after Africa, nothing ever has been the same.'  (Salle, 2012)  I can’t wait to see the place this experience will have in shaping the rest of my life.

Drew, L. (2006) Pack a Peanut Butter Sandwich: Chronicles of Linda Drew, USA: iUniverse

Ennis – Smith, R. (2005) The Last Call to Witness, USA: Llumina.

Salle (2012) Live in the Magic of Africa available at http://www.hillsofafrica.com/blog/our-top-secrets-for-planning-the-most-life-changing-trips-to-africa [accessed 29/04/24]

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